

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bringing down the House

House of Cards

How to Bring Down the House by Dr. William Pierce

People often write in to the National Alliance saying that they agree with the opinions expressed on American Dissident Voices, but they do not know what to do. Dr. Pierce explains what racially conscious Whites should do when they decide things must change.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I don't "understand" my enemy, who is doing his devilish best to destroy me and mine; I HATE my enemy. I want to kill my enemy; I want to chop his fucking head off and take a good long shit down his gaping neck. I want to smash his head to a paste and then urinate on it.

I know well (though I cannot understand it) that others who have identified the enemy, consider me "extreme" or crazy or "evil", because all they want is to be left alone. They don't "hate" anyone; they just would like the enemy to please stop trying to destroy them, and if they resist, why gosh, they're just defending themselves. And that's how everybody thinks, apparently. As I said, I can't understand it.

So when I see what the enemy is doing and has done to me and mine, and I rage in furious hatred of my hated enemy, that's just me raging ok? I don't speak for anybody else at all, even though I may laud and applaud them as fellow fighters. Perhaps I'm a bezerker, and they are not.

That's all.


Monday, June 04, 2007

The Chinese Invasion by Dr. William Pierce
Broadcast Date: 09-02-2000

Dr. Pierce discusses a theoretical invasion of the United States by Red China and asks how a patriotic American should respond.