

Friday, August 24, 2007

Thinking in Poetry

I wish to remark an alarming incidence, the cause of which I'm not
complete aware. Ten years ago I was occasion to a dreadful shock; an
accident which left me paralyzed. I went through nightmares far too
tedious to relate, though there are some times when I can feel them
still. In any event the point of which I wish to share, is this:
sometimes (not always) but ne'ertheless quite oft, I cannot shake the
rhythm from my thought - It is as if I'm doing the thing I ought.
Though there are times when I quite curse it (as I should); on other
occasions it pleases me quite well. A gift from heaven or (perhaps)
from ... somewhere quite not so altogether congenial - a habit
repremedial of a crime iridriddemial in the next hypothesiamial of
the fundamental nexus in the turbulent morphorthemial; in the higher
gyre of what should be is done. The reason not quite clear to me, the
probable eludes me, though the possible evokes it and the
pointlessness provokes it; and the drive is always there, though from
whence I know not where; and the way it is is layed out bare for me.
To see.
Hypothesis: think not in verse for it will ruin you, and the
jangling crowd won't mourn you; and the swinging judge won't spare
you; and the the ultimate will wait with rasping rubbing hands for
you, to come.

An elephant falling from 20 meters hits the ground with an almost
exact equivalence of emphasis as a thousand pints of mild-mellowed
yellow mead thrown into the thousand wizened faces of a thousand aged
gurus with a thousand profound depths of orientation; and the thousand
startled expressions, and the thousand dripping whiskers, and the
thousand brisk expostulations, and the thousand soft and o so very
necessary elucidations and the thousand humble explanations all add
up to one.
- less a ripple of eyelash and a gentle shaving of ivory.

O so so so sorry to waste your precious time - just having fun.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Waxing Gibbous

The Moon

The Moon is feminine - you are quite right
She's looking just so cool and beautiful tonight.
You look quite hard, you see the knowing spirit;
The glowing spirit
A thing quite cold and sharp; but righteous:

A clean and pure embodiment of light.

The Moon is asking us to be
With Her:
She's lonely, and she hopes to have a mate
She watches, and she sorrows; and she waits.

Where are those valiant spirits?

Where are are those gentle Men?
The Questers and the Seekers:
The searchers for the truth?
Where are the Men of yesteryear:
-Those knights in shining armour;
Those emissaries of light
The crisp and clear and shining dance

Of horses white?

The moon is waiting patiently for us
She's waited now for o so very long
She lives the now - and she is waiting still
Let's seperate ourselves from ourselves

And go to the moon.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Lion Test


Thanks Jeff!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I shall not be insincere.

I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.
I shall not be insincere.

No matter how pragmatic it might be.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Who's Crazy?

A Question of Sanity by Dr. William Pierce

People with Politically Incorrect beliefs often get told that they are crazy. How does one tell if an individual is crazy or if society is crazy?

Dr. Pierce also discusses some of the favorite propaganda lines of egalitarians, such as: "There is no such thing as a pure race" and "There is more variation within any given race than there is between races."

Thursday, August 09, 2007

It's the Jews, stupid.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


> appalling sad proclivity for unison required.

Feet of Clay

Feet of Clay
And a (legs) therof
And a torso
And a chest.


"I look to approval when they ask me what to think
I keep my mind in safe and neutral gear!"
"I over-oil my joints
And anaethetize my points
Think of nothing
that might count too late this year..."

I am a Citizoid!

Citizoid ... Citizoid
A Citizoid.
He's a Citizoid!

When someone says my name ..
Why it helps to still the pain
And until it comes again
I remember it.

[remembers it
He 'remembers' it] --

"I Remember it."

Obstructing tide and time and title
To the endless Cosmic cycle
In the pointless churn of pointlessness
To the ultimate Denial of Reality!
The Innocuous, so shiny surface-fair....
So 'it is so' so right.
The 'Reasonable Assumption' made
The 'Necessary Force'
To the 'Just Consideration' to
To the Futile Altercation
To ..
That ultimate PARADOX!....
A goal-oriented Society
Without Goals...

Citizoids ..
For they are Citizoids!

>Cut to
Grey back-background scene, of i-den-den dentically
attired coalblack sweating labourers of conspicuously similar
appearence swinging weary sim-simultaneous pickaxes in unison



(HIGH PITCH,BRISK)In Unison Required!

Required o yes indeedy-deed ...In Unison Required!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Quotes from AMREN

Whether it’s the appalling hospitals in King-Harbor or Zimbabwe, or the gangs being shooed away with classical music in Tacoma, or the last supermarket pulling up stakes and fleeing Detroit, or a prison watch guard tower being required in the middle of downtown Harlem, there is always one commonality in each story: When Whites leave and Blacks take over, chaos always ensues. Every meaningful metric in existence supports that axiom.
Posted by at 5:16 AM on August 3

Now, now, boys and girls! This is partly the white man’s fault. The whites who brought white techonology and white institutions to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe caused a great increase in the black population. The blacks have now chosen to revert to black technology and black institutions. It appears that many of them were unaware that the reversion would entail great suffering and a sharp decline in their population. The moral of the story is that it’s foolish, even harmful, to impose white institutions upon non-whites.
An obvious corollary is that it’s extremely foolish to admit non-whites to a white country. The geniuses who run our country, however, will now import many of these poor Zimbabwean blacks to America as refugees. In the near future, when non-whites have become a majority of our population, America will strongly resemble Zimbabwe. This story should inspire fear rather than gloating.
Posted by Gringo_Malo at 10:29 AM on August 3

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Club

The Club by Dr. William Pierce Broadcast Date: 12-15-2001

Members of "The Club" want to bring the whole White world more and more tightly under their control. They want to eliminate every challenge and every potential challenge to their rule. They want to stamp out every influence and every idea that might become a danger to them, and that includes every nationalism and every religion that they haven't already infiltrated and corrupted. To this end they have been working to break down all national borders, pollute all ethnically clean populations with a flood of non-White immigrants, wipe out all sense of racial identity or loyalty, erase the memory of all traditions and all history, and undermine discipline and morality.