

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I don't "understand" my enemy, who is doing his devilish best to destroy me and mine; I HATE my enemy. I want to kill my enemy; I want to chop his fucking head off and take a good long shit down his gaping neck. I want to smash his head to a paste and then urinate on it.

I know well (though I cannot understand it) that others who have identified the enemy, consider me "extreme" or crazy or "evil", because all they want is to be left alone. They don't "hate" anyone; they just would like the enemy to please stop trying to destroy them, and if they resist, why gosh, they're just defending themselves. And that's how everybody thinks, apparently. As I said, I can't understand it.

So when I see what the enemy is doing and has done to me and mine, and I rage in furious hatred of my hated enemy, that's just me raging ok? I don't speak for anybody else at all, even though I may laud and applaud them as fellow fighters. Perhaps I'm a bezerker, and they are not.

That's all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what what you mean. I don't like those Irishmen either.

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your posting on the Jewish issue on South Africa Sucks.

Here is another good presentation:

I don't understand why the UG is so touchy on the Jewish issue. It apears that Jews played a major role in the sell-out of South Africa, and they try to cover this up!

If Jews are the enemies of white South Africans, it would not "disappear" if we don't talk about it. It would just get worse, because we silently "support" it, if we don't expose it!

5:14 AM  
Blogger Grantland said...

Thanks anon - I'll check it out, though I have (literally) heard them all. UG is probably scared of being thought anti-semitic, very common weakness. No blame, but I do wonder about the rest, except knorrig, who is solid. Cheers.

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UG on why he limits comments on the Jews on SAS Blog:

UG Wrote:
Anonymous writes: (in the most awful spelling & grammar)

The Jews bla bla bla bla...The Jews yadda yadda yadda...The Jews...moan whine bitch complain...the Jews bla bla bla. He then says something to the effect that if SAS blocks discussion on the Jews, it will lose all credibility as it implies Jews are behind this block (sic).

OK anon, let me respond as follows:

1. Fuck you.
2. Clearly you've not been reading (this blog) for long enough. All these Jew-baiting free-for-alls go absolutely nowhere, except leaving the blog contributors seem like a bunch of Neo-Nazi's.
3. I'm not going to have this blog hijacked by a low-brow rabble of skinhead losers who by their very existence serves merely to caricaturize any & all right wing discourse as nazi propaganda. We want NOTHING to do with them, they are an embarrassment to the more erudite, nuanced & racially aware members of the White race.
4. This blog does not exist to "find solutions", "foment White revolution", "incite interracial violence & revenge" (although I'd really love to, to be sure). Nor does it exist to kowtow to anyone's wild fantasies & conspiracy theories on the Illuminati, The Freemasons, Aliens, Elvis sightings or any other religious / mysticism bullshit.
5. This blog exists PURELY to be a mirror (through our non-PC lens) on the horrors of South African life, the mind-numbing stupidity, arrogance and greed of our spear-chucking infestation.
6. It further exists to educate our less-aware White brethren (both locally and overseas) on their priceless European culture and civilisation, and the consequences of such a civilisation falling in the hands of the simian races. At the same time, it endeavours to destroy myths, lies and propaganda as invented by our hateful, envious enemies.
7. If in your view, as well as the views of the goose-stepping, swastika-carving white neanderthals you seem to represent, we at SAS "have no credibility" simply because we refuse to turn our forum into a stinking, toxic sewer of Nazi vs Zionist excrement you so love wallowing in, you are welcome to it. The same goes for the Goyim-hating hook-schnozzed Khazar kikes & their shabbos goy apologists who see a Nazi under every bed - all of you fuck off elsewhere, there's enough other venues for you to fight your stupid battles on - not on the SA Sucks blog. We, the bloggers, will set the agenda, NOT YOU. Over and out.

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you are making a mistake blaming all Jews for what some Jews have done. But hey, that's me.

7:14 AM  
Blogger Grantland said...

Jeff, I think UG wrote that first bit himself. And you're wrong about the Jews.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Grantland said...

'Listened to the link - the volkish angle. I understand it -many Boers think that way - and I sympathise. But I don't subscribe. Let there be a volkstaat, and a volksraad, and eie kultuur and volkmusiek etc. It's all good. But it aint me.

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grantland, thanks for your reply. I agree 100% with you on a white, independent homeland (an independent or sovereign country) for white South Africans, where we can create our own future. I also agree with you that the UG might be scared to be labelled a “neo nazi”.

I "tested" the UG. He deletes 99% of posts related to Jews. He even deletes a Google link to "Jewish Media Control".

The SAS blog was very open minded to date, but the Jewish postings (or actually removal of comments) made me wonder.

SAS is not shy to repeatedly blame blacks for failures in South Africa, but when a debate on Jews starts, it is shut down and censored. We could all have learned from it, or we could have been exposed to other points of view, or comments.

The UG even blame whites (e.g. de Klerk) for the failure of South Africa, but he refuses to say a word about Jews, and their role in the failure for the New South African Democracy? Why can’t we be open minded about it? Why does Jews have to receive preferential / different treatment from the rest of us?

SAS had postings where blacks complained about comments made on SAS. The UG (in his response) sounded exactly like those blacks. (Regarding comments on the Jewish issue).

Is the UG “politically correct” when he delete postings critical of Jews? Why can’t facts speak for themselves? Why delete “difficult to handle” comments or questions?
[ E.g. “I would like a list of names of conservative (or right wing) South African Jews, active in South Africa before 1994?” ]

In South Africa, there is basically 0% reporting on Jews. Why? I don't completely understand the role of Jews in South Africa. Wikipedia has an interesting article, but Wikipedia is a left wing (and politically correct) organisation.

It was mentioned on the Wiki article that the Jews received preferential treatment during Apartheid, and that they were allowed to shift large amounts of money to Israel whilst there was currency control on whites in SA.

I am actually in favour of complete freedom of speech. I consider freedom of speech the basic building blocks of an advanced society. Only primitive, suppressive or criminal societies are opposed to “freedom of speech”.

Selective deletion of facts by censors, results in a distorted points of view, and “mind control” of the public.

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would also like to know how the other contributors feel about the Jewish issue.

They are actually very quiet.

They might be intimidated to tell their true feelings. If the UG reacted differently, they might have acted differently.

I can's stop to Wonder if the UG isn't a Jew.

The only "conservative" South African Jew I know is the one which prosecuted Nelson Mandela. ALL the rest appears to left-wing liberals... from Suzman to Leon to Oppenheimer to Ackerman to ....

12:46 AM  
Blogger Grantland said...

Yes, a little sad to see that SAS is a Jew operation. Is DR really Ronnie Kasrils? See the linking of De La Rey with Hitler tsk tsk - more later

4:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grantland said... "Yes, a little sad to see that SAS is a Jew operation."


UG (as quoted in above post): "...The same goes for the Goyim-hating hook-schnozzed Khazar kikes & their shabbos goy apologists who see a Nazi under every bed - all of you fuck off elsewhere, there's enough other venues for you to fight your stupid battles on - not on the SA Sucks blog." Yeh, he must be a Jew!

4:52 AM  
Blogger Grantland said...

A little dull, aren't you jeff?

6:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might be dull, I don't know. It just seemed a stretch to me to 1/ consider SAS a "Jew operation" and 2/ to wonder if UG is a Jew.

But hey, what do I know? Not much, really.

Mr. Grantland, I know Whites are having a hard time in SA. I only wish you well.

8:09 AM  
Blogger Grantland said...

We have DR using words like shpiel, shlenter and arsh, posting gaystuff, asserting that de la Reyers are Nazis, and - the final proof - posting pictures of faeces at every opportunity (Jews love faeces for some reason)

We have UG discrediting himself with lame Jew-excusing arguments and advising everyone to run overseas.

We have Eelie keeping a low profile.

Two Jewboys and a shabbos goy. As I said, knorrig is solid.

So yes, a Jew operation. Probably ANC.

6:24 AM  
Blogger Grantland said...

Or maybe UG is not a goy, making 3.

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:49 PM  
Blogger Grantland said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Grantland said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grantland, you need to get a grip, buddy.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


U asshole. Now I understand why TUG acts as he does. You give us all a bad name!

7:56 PM  
Blogger Grantland said...


2:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grantland said...
We have DR using words like shpiel, shlenter and arsh, posting gaystuff, asserting that de la Reyers are Nazis, and - the final proof - posting pictures of faeces at every opportunity (Jews love faeces for some reason)

You arsch..smug yappy cunt..

You don't know sheeit about any of can only surmise..but get this in your little pip now once and for all...and try and remember it for next time..

UG - Boer
Eli - Boer
Knorrig - Boer/Deutsche
Truthsayer - Boer
Uncle Cracker - Boer/Deutsche
DR - Boer/Deutsche...

Oh..und dein beschißen und raus gekakkedte hinterlassenschaften interessieren kein Sau..!
Google it.

4:06 AM  

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