

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Let's not Blame the Jews

Yes, let us not blame the Jews for the crimes of the evil Zionists. Let us not blame the Jews for the lies of the Jewsh media and the filth and poison vomited out by Jewish Hollywood. Not all Jews are Zionists or media moguls or moviemakers.

And let us not blame the Jews for the hideous evil of Communism which they used to enslave our Eastern European people, and systematically murder tens of millions of our best and brightest, following the dictates of their satanic Talmud. Let us not blame all the Jews for the feminism
that has made enemies of our women and crashed our birthrate, nor for the rampant pornography industry which they control and which debases our women in all eyes. Not all Jews are feminist instigators like Betty Friedan or Gloria Steinem or Bella Abzug.

The child porn market and the white slave trade might be dominated by Jews, as is the Russian mafia or organizatsia.. but not all Jews are involved. Let us, furthermore, not ascribe to all Jews the evil of the Illuminati or the machinations of the Federal Reserve Bank, which they own.

Boazian anthropology, (denying race differences) amd affirmative action which has so damaged race relations, is totally Jewish, as is the whole sick, life-killing illness of liberalism, Political Correctness and the homosexual agenda. But not all Jews are culpable. Third world mmigration, for which organized Jewish groups are principally responsible, is still pushed relentlessly by AIPAC and the like, as is the pressure to keep the borders open to illegal mestizo swarms, but not every Jew is a member of AIPAC, or the SPLC, or B'nai Brith.

Not every Jew is a neocon warmonger, or a crooked shyster lawyer or an ecstasy peddler. Not every Jew shoots Palestinian children or assassinates intellectuals or stages false flag attack to start wars. Many Jews are not involved in financial criminality like Ivan Boesky or Eric Stein or Michael Milken. Others in no way teach our children at school to hate themselves, or encourage them to misceginate with "cool" rap singers and baskeyball stars.

There are no doubt Jews who do not denigrate Christianity or Christmas, or do not despise "goyim" and "shiksas" and believe that we are cattle destined to serve the Chosen, as is written in their Talmud.

Let's not blame the Jews as a lethal vermin pest that is deadly to us as a people, in their COLLECTIVE. Certainly not! That would be "anti-semitic".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There are no doubt Jews who do not denigrate Christianity or Christmas, or do not despise "goyim" and "shiksas" and believe that we are cattle"

...but the vast majority of them do!
They actually believe their own bullshit.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Grantland said...

Gee well that's too bad DR. We'll just have to cut their face off with a chainsaw and sink a stel-tipped boot into the red bloody maw behind. Tough titty. Halleluliah!

6:04 PM  
Blogger Grantland said...

(in the purest metaphorical sense oc)

5:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very mawinsingish....but VERY..!

1:19 AM  

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